Tag Archives: Roman Abramovich

Shipping News

By Random Chandlery The sign on the door says Doc. Bayou. Data Analysis. But that doesn’t tell half the story...

Barnsley 1 – 0 Chelsea

Match reports The Observer, Spencer Vignes: “And they say that lightning never strikes twice. Having disposed of Liverpool in the..

A Rich Man's Fart!

A rich man’s fart can be expensive; Roman Abramovich has proved this with his latest gambit. In a pique, he..

The King is Dead…

Long live the King. In the words of Lloyd Bridges as Steve McCroskey in Airplane, it looks like I picked..

Oh, Get a Grip!

I’m not surprised that normal service has resumed in the press over Chelsea as Roman Abramovich’s public show of disaffection..

Chelsea as the bogeyman

Am I the only one scratching my head over this Juande-Ramos-to-Chelsea-if-something-happens-with-Jose-Mourinho story? Guillem Balague of Sky Sports claims Fabio Capello..